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Kate J. Campbell, Antje Steinfurth, Les G. Underhill, Janet C. Coetzee, Bruce M. Dyer, HURTADO, R.; PARSONS, N.J.; GOUS, T.A.; VAN DER SPUY, S.; KLUSENER, R.; STANDER, N.; VAN WILPE, E.; VANSTREELS, R.E.T. 2020. Outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in African penguins Spheniscus demersus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 140: 143-149.
Katrin Ludynia, Azwianewi B. Makhado, Dagmar Merkle, Johan Rademan, Leshia Upfold, Richard B. Sherley, Silvia Carvalho. (2019) Local forage fish abundance influences foraging effort and offspring condition in an endangered marine predator. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:7, pages 1751-1760.
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